Bienfait Public Library Branch

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Below is a list of some of the services that the Bienfait Public Library provides and some instructions for ordering books, etc. online.


Here's a list our services and rates.  As you can see, all of our services are free of charge.   Where can you get a better deal than that???

Computer Use:


Hours of Operation:
  • Mondays         3-6 P.M.
  • Tuesdays        4-7 P.M.
  • Wednesdays   9 A.M. - 12 Noon 
  • Thursdays       2-5 P.M.

To order books and videos on line click on the link below.  Then click on 'Access @ Home' and follow the instructions.  This service requires a library card number, and a PIN number.  Contact the library if you need either of these numbers to enable you to order materials online. You can have the material sent to the Bienfait Library and you will be able to pick it up there.

Order online

Bienfait Public Library * 414 Main St. * P.O. Box 520 * Bienfait * Sask. * S0C-0M0