The library was on the move to the new facility on the weekend of Nov. 29th and 30th, 2003. Michelle Crane and
Susan Atkinson, Southeast Regional Library headquarter staff, came down on the morning of Monday Dec. 1, 2003 to hook up the
computer systems. The new library facility opened to the public at 3 P.M. that same afternoon.

Shirley Tuchscherer (librarian) and Ingrid Beahm (chairperson) in new library

Library users on opening day. Back row (L-R), John Yakamovich, Jordan Lawrence, Shirley Tuchsherer, Ingrid Beahm,
Dennis Burkholder. Seated at table (L-R), TJay Knutson, Brittany Vanin, Kim Beamish, Alexa McGovern, Brendan Carroll.